Seatrout- Summer Techniques with William Toney

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Instructor: William Toney

In The Spread Summer Sea Trout Fishing, Florida Capt. William Toney shares tactics and techniques for catching sea trout, the king of inshore waters. He covers when to target trout, optimal conditions, slow drifting, and using a popping cork rig with various jigs.

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Summary of Video Content:

  • William Toney, a renowned inshore fishing guide in Florida, shares his expertise on seatrout fishing techniques for the summer season.
  • The video discusses the effectiveness of using a popping cork rig for catching speckled seatrout.
  • Tips on rigging and using the popping cork, the mechanics of the rig, choosing the right fishing spot, and drifting the flat are provided.
  • The video highlights the importance of learning from experienced anglers like William Toney to master fishing skills.

When it comes to inshore fishing in Florida, few guides have earned a reputation as stellar as Captain William Toney. With a legacy deeply rooted in the waters of Homosassa, Florida, William's expertise in targeting species like seatrout, redfish, and snook is unparalleled. In his latest video, "Seatrout- Summer Techniques with William Toney," he delves into the nuances of catching speckled seatrout during the summer months using a popping cork rig.

Captain William Toney's Fishing Legacy

Growing up in a family of renowned hunting and fishing guides, William Toney's connection to the waters of the upper west coast of Florida runs deep. His grandfather and father were both highly respected guides, and it's safe to say that no other fisherman in the region knows the back country, keys, and waterways as intimately as William does. For anglers keen on mastering inshore fishing techniques, particularly for seatrout fishing, Captain Toney is an exceptional mentor.


William Toney's easy-going demeanor combined with his vast experience and profound knowledge of the waters make him an invaluable resource for seatrout fishing.

Seth Horne, In The Spread

The Popping Cork is A Go-To Technique for Seatrout

While there are myriad ways to catch speckled seatrout, using a popping cork stands out as one of the most effective methods. Seatrout, a favorite among many anglers, not only offer an exciting catch but also serve as a delightful dish. Their natural curiosity makes them susceptible to the noise and commotion a popping cork creates on the water surface.

Fishing Tip: Speckled seatrout are low light feeders. Your best chances of catching them are during early mornings, late afternoons, or on overcast days. If you're fishing during mid-day or on sunny days, consider targeting channel edges or deeper waters.

Mastering the Popping Cork Rig

In this video, William  Toney offers a comprehensive guide on using the popping cork rig effectively:

  • Rigging and Using the Popping Cork: William discusses the variety of colors he prefers and the type of soft plastic baits and jig heads he uses beneath the cork.
  • Mechanics of the Popping Cork: Learn how popping corks animate the bait, the ideal leader material, and the best ways to fish using a popping cork.
  • Choosing the Right Fishing Spot: Lush grassy flats are prime locations for seatrout. William elaborates on specific spots within these areas where larger fish tend to congregate.
  • Drifting the Flat: When fishing a flat for seatrout, anchoring isn't the ideal strategy. It's about drifting the flat and ensuring your boat is oriented correctly, especially with multiple anglers onboard.

To truly master a skill, it's essential to learn from the best. Captain William Toney's insights are invaluable for any angler looking to enhance their inshore fishing techniques. Absorb his wisdom and add it to your repository of Florida fishing knowledge.

What are the best seatrout lures?

Some of the best seatrout lures include soft plastic jigs, topwater plugs, and spoons. Soft plastic jigs in colors like white, chartreuse, watermelon and rootbeer are particularly effective when used with a popping cork rig.

What is the best time of day to fish for seatrout?

Seatrout are most active during low light conditions, such as early mornings, late afternoons, and overcast days. Fishing during these times can increase your chances of success.

Where can I find seatrout in Florida?

Seatrout can be found in various inshore habitats throughout Florida, including grassy flats, oyster bars, and mangrove-lined shorelines. The upper west coast of Florida, particularly the waters around Homosassa, is known for its excellent seatrout fishing opportunities.

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Captain William Toney

Captain William Toney, a Florida native, is a fourth-generation fishing guide known for his expertise in Redfish, Sea Trout, Mangrove Snapper, Snook and other fish species. He is a licensed and insured guide, a Homosassa Guide's Association member, and hosts 'In The Spread', an online fishing instruction platform. Toney's expertise in redfish, tides, and bait presentation is unparalleled, and he shares his knowledge on seasonal fish migration patterns and tidal flows. His dedication to passing on his knowledge to younger generations is invaluable.

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