Blue Marlin - Boat Driving Skills with Kevin Hibbard

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Instructor: Kevin Hibbard

Capt. Kevin Hibbard, a world-renowned marlin fishing expert, shares his tips for handling a boat while hooked up to a blue marlin. He emphasizes the importance of a simple spread and the need for minimal gear to clear a path to the fish. Hibbard shares his knowledge on line class, drag physics, and current usage during battles. He is a great teacher and an easy-going individual who shares his knowledge on boat driving while marlin fishing.

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Key Takeaways on Boat Driving Skills for Blue Marlin

  • Captain Kevin Hibbard shares his expertise on boat driving for blue marlin fishing
  • Simplicity is key: eliminate complications to focus on the fish
  • Boat driving is a crucial skill that can make or break a catch
  • Understanding fish behavior, especially for larger blue marlin, is essential
  • Proper drag settings and understanding how line pull affects fish behavior
  • Getting on top of a fish quickly is the name of the game

The Role of Boat Driving

Blue marlin fishing is a thrilling and challenging sport that requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and experience. One of the most crucial aspects of blue marlin fishing is boat driving. Captain Kevin Hibbard, a seasoned marlin fisherman from Kona, Hawaii, shares his invaluable insights on driving on big fish, drawing from his extensive experience fishing in major marlin hotspots worldwide.

The Importance of Keeping It Simple

When it comes to boating big fish like blue marlin, Captain Kevin Hibbard stresses the importance of effective boat handling while hooked up. In waters abundant with large fish, simplicity is paramount. Hibbard recommends avoiding the use of dredges, mudflaps, high lines, or shotgun lures. These additional elements can introduce unnecessary complications that distract from the primary objective: focusing on the fish.

By streamlining the fishing setup, anglers can concentrate on the critical aspects of the fight, such as maintaining proper line tension, maneuvering the boat, and reacting to the fish's movements. This minimalistic approach allows for quicker reactions and adaptability, increasing the chances of successfully releasing or boating the catch of a lifetime. In essence, Captain Hibbard's advice centers on eliminating potential distractions and focusing on the fundamentals of boat handling and fish fighting to optimize success in blue marlin fishing.


Keeping it simple allows you to quickly get on top of the fish, increasing your chances of releasing or boating that once-in-a-lifetime catch.

Kevin Hibbard

Boat Driving is a Crucial Skill

Boat driving is a critical skill that can significantly impact the success of blue marlin fishing. Many marlins have been lost due to inadequate boat handling, making it one of the most significant challenges skippers face. While factors such as tackle selection, hook choice, line quality, rollers, and boat setup are within the angler's control, terminal failures resulting from these elements are unacceptable.

Once an angler has optimized their boat setup and tackle, the only remaining variable is their proficiency in boat driving. Skilled boat handling involves maintaining proper positioning relative to the fish, adjusting speed and direction to accommodate the marlin's movements, and ensuring that the angler can effectively apply pressure throughout the fight.

Experienced skippers like Captain Kevin Hibbard understand that mastering boat driving techniques is essential for consistently landing blue marlin. By focusing on this crucial aspect of the fishing process, anglers can minimize the risk of losing fish due to poor boat handling and increase their chances of success in this challenging and rewarding sport.

Understanding Fish Behavior

As anglers progress in their marlin fishing pursuits, developing a deep understanding of fish behavior becomes increasingly crucial. Captain Kevin Hibbard emphasizes the importance of being prepared for any situation, as blue marlin, particularly larger specimens, are notorious for their unpredictable behavior when hooked.

Blue marlin are powerful, agile, and capable of explosive bursts of speed and sudden direction changes. They may sound deep, leap from the water, or charge towards the boat unexpectedly. To effectively counter these moves, anglers must anticipate and react quickly to the fish's actions.

Captain Hibbard's golden rule is to keep the fight close. By maintaining a relatively short distance between the boat and the fish, anglers can better manage the marlin's moves, react promptly to changes in direction, and minimize the risk of line breakage or the fish throwing the hook. Keeping the fight close also allows for more efficient use of drag, reducing the chances of the fish gaining an advantage during the battle.

To keep the fight close, anglers must rely on skilled boat handling, well-maintained tackle, and a keen understanding of how blue marlin typically behave when hooked. By staying prepared and adhering to this golden rule, anglers can increase their chances of success when targeting these magnificent and challenging fish.

The Role of Drag in Fighting Blues

Drag settings are a fundamental aspect of marlin fishing that can significantly influence the outcome of a fight. Captain Kevin Hibbard emphasizes the importance of understanding how fish behave in response to different line classes and drag pressures.

The amount of drag applied to the line can dictate how a marlin reacts during the fight. Insufficient drag may allow the fish to take too much line, increasing the risk of a breakoff or prolonging the battle unnecessarily. Conversely, excessive drag can lead to pulled hooks or line failure, especially if the fish makes sudden, powerful runs.

In addition to the amount of drag, the direction from which the line is pulling can also affect fish behavior. What does a rabbit do in a snare or an aggressive dog at the end of a leash? Knowing how marlin respond to being pulled on is smart.

Understanding these nuances allows anglers to make informed decisions about drag settings and boat positioning throughout the fight. By adjusting the drag to suit the fish's behavior and the stage of the battle, and by maneuvering the boat to influence the line angle, anglers can optimize their chances of landing a blue marlin.

Captain Hibbard's insights highlight the importance of experience and adaptability in marlin fishing. Successful anglers must be able to read the fish's behavior, anticipate its moves, and make split-second decisions to maintain control of the fight and ultimately bring the marlin to the boat.

The Importance of Expedience

In blue marlin fishing, the ability to quickly gain control of a hooked fish is essential for success. Captain Kevin Hibbard, drawing from his vast experience and expertise, offers a foundational strategy for boat driving while hooked up to a marlin.

The key is to efficiently maneuver the boat to maintain an advantageous position relative to the fish. This involves anticipating the marlin's movements, reacting promptly to changes in direction, and ensuring that the angler can apply consistent pressure throughout the fight.

By getting on top of the fish quickly, anglers can minimize the risk of the marlin gaining the upper hand and increase their chances of a successful catch. This requires a combination of skilled boat handling, well-coordinated teamwork between the captain and crew, and a deep understanding of how blue marlin typically behave when hooked.

Captain Hibbard's insights provide a valuable playbook for aspiring marlin fishermen. By studying and implementing his techniques, anglers can develop their boat driving skills, make better decisions during the heat of battle, and ultimately increase their success rates when targeting these magnificent game fish.

Becoming a proficient boat operator is a critical component of blue marlin fishing, and by learning from experienced captains like Kevin Hibbard, anglers can accelerate their growth and unlock their full potential in this challenging and rewarding sport.

What is the most important aspect of blue marlin fishing?

Boat driving is one of the most crucial aspects of blue marlin fishing, as it can make or break a catch.

Why is simplicity important in boating big fish?

Simplicity allows you to eliminate potential complications and focus on the fish, increasing your chances of a successful catch.

How does understanding fish behavior help in marlin fishing?

Understanding fish behavior, especially for larger blue marlin, helps you be prepared for any eventuality and keep the fight close.

What role does drag play in marlin fishing?

Drag settings and understanding how the direction of the line pull affects fish behavior are critical for success in marlin fishing.

What is the basic playbook for boat driving while hooked up?

Getting on top of the fish quickly is the key, and Captain Kevin Hibbard's insights can help you become a smarter boat operator and a more successful marlin fisherman.

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Kevin Hibbard

Captain Kevin Hibbard, a renowned blue marlin fishing expert, has a deep connection to the ocean and has honed his skills in heavy tackle and lure fishing. He has honed his knowledge and techniques from the best captains in the business, including Henry Chee and George Parker. Hibbard's approach to fishing is simple, focused, and trusting, ensuring the best lures are chosen for the ocean's conditions. His dedication to the craft and his passion for the ocean's giants make him a sought-after fishing expert.

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