Seatrout - Top 5 Lures with William Toney

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Instructor: William Toney

In The Spread Top 5 Seatrout Baits and Lures video features Captain William Toney sharing his expertise on successful seatrout fishing methods. Toney shares his playbook, saving time and money on figuring out the right lures for successful fishing.

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Summary of Video:

  • Expert advice from Captain William Toney, a seasoned inshore fishing guide
  • Discover the best lures for catching speckled seatrout in Florida waters
  • Learn how water conditions and seasonal bait fish influence lure selection
  • Gain valuable insights from one of the most skilled anglers in the game

Are you looking to up your game when it comes to catching speckled seatrout in Florida's inshore waters? Look no further than the expert advice of Captain William Toney. With years of experience on the water, Toney knows exactly what it takes to land these elusive fish.

In this video, "Seatrout - Top 5 Lures with William Toney," the seasoned guide shares his top picks for lures that consistently produce results. Toney's knowledge of water conditions, seasonal bait fish, and seatrout behavior is unparalleled, making him one of the most sought-after inshore fishing guides in the state.

Throughout the video, Toney explains how factors such as water movement, temperature, and the presence of certain bait fish can influence your lure selection. By understanding these key elements, anglers can make more informed decisions when choosing the right lure for the job.

Whether you're a seasoned angler or just starting out, this video is a must-watch for anyone looking to improve their seatrout fishing game. With Toney's top 5 lures and expert insights, you'll be well on your way to landing more speckled seatrout than ever before.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into this informative video and discover the secrets to success when it comes to catching speckled seatrout in Florida's inshore waters. With Captain William Toney as your guide, you're sure to come away with valuable insights and a newfound confidence on the water.


Captain William Toney's knowledge of inshore fishing is second to none. His ability to read the water and understand what the fish are doing is truly impressive.

Seth Horne, In The Spread

What makes Captain William Toney an expert on seatrout fishing?

aptain William Toney has years of experience as an inshore fishing guide in Florida, and his knowledge of water conditions, seasonal bait fish, and seatrout behavior is unmatched in the industry.

Are the lures mentioned in the video suitable for beginners?

Yes, the lures discussed in the video are suitable for anglers of all skill levels. However, beginners may benefit from additional guidance, by watching our other seatrout videos, on how to properly use and retrieve these lures for optimal results.

Can these lures be used in other regions outside of Florida?

While the video focuses on seatrout fishing in Florida's inshore waters, many of the lures and techniques discussed can be applied to seatrout fishing in other regions with similar conditions.

Are there any specific times of day or tidal conditions that are best for using these lures?

Captain William Toney provides insights on how water movement, temperature, and the presence of bait fish can influence lure selection. By understanding these factors, anglers can make informed decisions on when and where to use these lures for the best results.

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User Reviews

William DeMott 02.22.2019


Captain William Toney

Captain William Toney, a Florida native, is a fourth-generation fishing guide known for his expertise in Redfish, Sea Trout, Mangrove Snapper, Snook and other fish species. He is a licensed and insured guide, a Homosassa Guide's Association member, and hosts 'In The Spread', an online fishing instruction platform. Toney's expertise in redfish, tides, and bait presentation is unparalleled, and he shares his knowledge on seasonal fish migration patterns and tidal flows. His dedication to passing on his knowledge to younger generations is invaluable.

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